Finding Fellowship Retreat


St Dorothy's Rest
168 St. Dorothy Avenue
Camp Meeker, CA  95419
Phone:  (707) 874-3319

St. Dorothy’s is located in Camp Meeker approximately 2 miles north of the town of Occidental, California on the Bohemian Highway.  There is an entrance sign on the left side of the highway leading to our private driveway. Click here for directions.

From San Francisco

Take 101 North (45 miles) to Hwy 12 West towards Sebastopol.

Go approx. 3 to 4 miles on Hwy 12 and take a Right onto Fulton and an immediate Left onto Occidental Rd. Take Occidental Road all the way to Occidental (8+ miles). Once in Occidental the road will come to a “T”. Take a Right onto Bohemian Hwy. Go 2 miles and once you go under the CAMP MEEKER arch, take an immediate Left onto Tower. Follow St. Dorothy’s arrows and signs all the way up (1/2 mile off Bohemian Hwy)

From the East Bay

Take the Richmond Bridge to Hwy 101. Take 101 North (45 miles) to Hwy 12 West towards Sebastopol. Go approx. 3 to 4 miles and take a Right onto Fulton and an immediate Left onto Occidental Rd. Take Occidental Road all the way to Occidental (8+ miles). Once in Occidental the road will come to a “T”. Take a Right onto Bohemian Hwy. Go 2 miles and once you go under the CAMP MEEKER arch, take an immediate Left onto Tower. Follow St. Dorothy’s arrows and signs all the way up (1/2 mile off Bohemian Hwy)

From Sacramento

Take Hwy 80 towards the Bay Area. Take Highway 37 (Sear’s Point Road) to Highway 101. Take 101 North (45 miles) to Hwy 12 West towards Sebastopol Go approx. 3 to 4 miles and take a Right onto Fulton and an immediate Left onto Occidental Rd. Take Occidental Road all the way to Occidental (8+ miles). Once in Occidental the road will come to a “T”. Take a Right onto Bohemian Hwy. Go 2 miles and once you go under the CAMP MEEKER arch, take an immediate Left onto Tower. Follow St. Dorothy’s arrows and signs all the way up (1/2 mile off Bohemian Hwy)

*Please note that roads in Camp Meeker are very narrow. Carpooling and arriving before dark is encouraged.

Ride Sharing

Ride sharing will be available, please indicate your need for a ride or if you have room to give someone a ride during your registration