Finding Fellowship Retreat
ADA Service Animal Policy
To comply with the policy of our host, St. Dorothy’s Rest, and in accordance with ADA law, Finding Fellowship welcomes working service animals to the retreat. An ADA Service Animal is any dog that has had individual training to perform work or a task for an individual with a disability. Examples of such work or tasks may be guiding individuals who are blind or who have low vision, assisting people with mobility disabilities with physical tasks, or alerting an individual to a seizure. Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate emotional support, comfort or companion animals at this time. While we acknowledge that many people in our recovery community have these animals, St. Dorothy’s does not allow such animals. While our Service Animal policy is in perfect alignment with our host site, St. Dorothy’s Rest, it is the duty of Finding Fellowship, Inc. to manage all aspects of the retreat. Therefore, all decisions regarding animals at the retreat rest with the Finding Fellowship Steering Committee.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact this year’s Steering Committee Chair by email: